Community Services & Organizations
There are two churches in Elk, each offering the experience of a small town. Both are historic buildings that have been thoughtfully restored and preserved. Services are available for all faiths.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Mass is held Saturday and Holy Days at 4:00 p.m. and Latin Rite Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The church is available for weddings and traditional music programs.
5750 S Highway 1
PO Box 17
Elk, CA 95432
(707) 877-3312
Pastor: Father Robert Torzcynski
(707) 937-5808
Mass is held Saturday and Holy Days at 4:00 p.m. and Latin Rite Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The church is available for weddings and traditional music programs.
Built in 1896, the Blessed Sacrament Church is a mission church of St. Anthony’s Parish in Mendocino, California.
More information about the church and its history may be found at
The church co-sponsors the St. Patrick’s Party. It also administers the Sharon Mitchell Memorial Scholarship program for local students.
Greenwood Community Church
5925 S Highway 1
PO Box 56
Elk, CA 95432
Mary O’Brien
(248) 917-3369
Currently, no regular services are held. On occasion, informal worship and fellowship and private ceremonies may be held.
Completed in 1892, the Greenwood Community Church is owned by the Greenwood Community Church Foundation.
Greenwood Community Church Foundation
The Greenwood Community Church Foundation was established in 1993 to purchase the former Greenwood Methodist Church and parsonage on behalf of the community of Elk. Built by the residents and donated to the town in 1892, the church was owned by the Methodist Church for nearly 100 years before it was put up for sale due to low attendance and maintenance problems.
The Greenwood Community Church Foundation is a public benefit corporation organized exclusively for public and charitable purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose is to preserve the historic church and foster its use by residents of Elk as a house of worship and fellowship open to all faiths. A volunteer Board of Directors meets monthly at the church.
To support renovation projects and ongoing maintenance of the Greenwood Community Church and parsonage, the Church Foundation solicits donations, sponsors an annual Holiday Craft Fair, co-sponsors the annual St. Patrick’s Party and hosts the annual Christmas Sing-A-Long. Church use fees, proceeds from lithograph prints, and the sale of note cards provide the remainder of the operating funds. Offerings are welcome.
2023 Board of Directors
Mary O’Brien
Jay Penrod
Sarah Penrod
Jane Sinclair
Lora Tuomala
Angela Zucker
Contact Information
Greenwood Community Church Foundation
PO Box 56
Elk, CA 95432
Mary O’Brien,
(248) 917-3369
Elk Community Services District
The Elk Community Services District (ECSD) was formed in 1990 to provide a secure legal and financial basis for fire protection and emergency medical services in Elk and the surrounding 57 square mile area. With strong voter approval, the ECSD took over a role which had informally operated under the umbrella of the Elk County Water District. As the responsible government entity, the ECSD levies a small “special tax” on property parcels with structures and receives a minor allocation of Mendocino County’s ad valorem property taxes to support these essential functions. If needed, under reciprocal agreements, the ECSD’s fire and ambulance services may be dispatched to assist other agencies as occurred in the 2017 Redwood Complex Fire in Mendocino County.
The skilled and dedicated group of women and men in the Elk Volunteer Fire Department provide these critically important services. In its oversight and administrative role, the Elk CSD sets policy and rules. It budgets and manages the public monies, ensures legal compliance, enters into agreements with other agencies, and plans for future needs. Based on available financial resources, the District provides guidance and funding for public outreach programs, training, maintenance, operational costs, and prioritizes replacement and improvement expenditures.
A shortage of volunteers, insufficient funding, ever more complex requirements, and inadequate physical facilities pose ongoing challenges for the District and the Elk VFD. The ECSD is actively cooperating with other Fire Districts in seeking operational efficiency improvements and sources of additional funding, including grants, to meet operating and replacement needs for facilities and equipment. In 2018, these efforts added some $11,200 in direct funding allocations and grants to the District.
The ECSD is governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors. Each director serves a four-year term without compensation. The Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Firehouse at the Greenwood Community Center located at 6129 S Highway 1. Agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting at the Community Center, Elk Store, Elk Garage, Post Office and on the ECSD website. Public participation both welcome and encouraged at all meetings.
More information about the ECSD and Elk VFD, including district documents, maps, histories, photos, meeting agendas and minutes, and emergency preparedness resources can be found at
2021 Board of Directors and Officers
Ben MacMillan, President
Ed Oliveira, VP/Treasurer
Paul DeVaul, Director
Terry Gross, Director
Rosi Acker, Board Secretary/Clerk
Bob Matson, Fire Chief
Contact Information
Elk Community Services District
PO Box 1
Elk, CA 95432
President, Ben MacMillan
(707) 877-1776
Elk County Water District
The Elk County Water District (ECWD) was founded in 1957, taking over operation of the town water system that had been in existence since before 1900 as an adjunct to the early sawmill operations. As a sign of the bureaucratic simplicity of the times, the district was formed by a one-page resolution adopted by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors.
The ECWD is a public governmental agency funded through rates charged to customers and some grant revenue.
For its water, the District taps Bonee Gulch, a surface water source, and two shallow wells adjacent to Greenwood Creek under the Highway 1 bridge. The community of Elk uses 11 to 12 million gallons of water per year. The ECWD has a modern water treatment plant, using ozone as a primary disinfectant and pressure-filters to remove turbidity. The water distribution system provides fire protection flows and water service to the “downtown” area of Elk. Photos of water sources and the treatment plant can be seen at here.
The ECWD is governed by an elected five-member, volunteer Board of Directors. The District’s Manager is Charlie Acker, and Rosi Acker serves as Secretary. Other employees include Rio Russell and Eric Malm.
The Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the District office in the Greenwood Community Center Annex, 6129 S Highway 1. Agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of each meeting at the Community Center, Elk Store, Elk Garage, and Post Office. The public is welcome at all meetings.
2021 Board of Directors
Kermit Carter, President
Jay Penrod, Vice President
Denise Georganas, Secretary/Treasurer
Eric Malm
Gemma Barsby
Contact Information
Elk County Water District
PO Box 54
Elk, CA 95432
Manager, Charlie Acker
(707) 877-1800
Elk Post Office
5995 S Highway 1
Elk, CA 95432
(707) 877-3232
Judy Bonney, Postmaster
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.; closed 12:30 – 1:30 for lunch
Accountable mail and parcels may be picked up Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The Elk Post Office offers a full range of consumer services with a personalized touch. Parcel shipping, shipping supplies, home delivery, box rentals, money orders, passport application services, and more are available. A community bulletin board informs residents about local activities, services, and resources. For the young ones, scooters and bicycles can be found out back.
Elk Volunteer Fire Department
6129 S Highway 1
PO Box 151
Elk, CA 95432
(707) 877-3350 (Firehouse)
Chief Bob Matson
(707) 272-2409 (c)
(707) 877-3444 (w)
In the 1920s, the town of Greenwood relied on the L.E. White Lumber Company’s water and hydrant systems for fire protection. Fire hydrants were fed by a steam pump at the sawmill located on what is now the Greenwood State Beach.
In 1953, Warren Daniels and John Ross, Jr. constructed a sawmill on Highway 1 across from the Elk Garage. For additional fire protection, “push carts” with rolled hoses were maintained around the site.
Early one evening in 1956, the Greenwood Hotel, with 53 rooms, caught fire and burned to the ground, along with the L.E. White Company Store. Fire equipment from all over Mendocino County responded to this disaster.
As a result of the hotel fire, the current Elk Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) was formed that year. Joseph Conway was installed as the first Chief. The Daniels and Ross Mill purchased a 1939 open-cab pumper from the city of Orinda, housing it in a building on the mill site.
Curtis Berry and Bob Ryan succeeded Joseph Conway as Chief of the EVFD into the mid-1960’s when the Daniels and Ross Mill closed in 1965.
In 1966, the EVFD reorganized, with R.D. Beacon becoming its next Chief. R.D. added several pieces of equipment and the department began fundraising for a firehouse. At that time, the department was affiliated with the Elk County Water District, but there was no tax base to support a firehouse. Funds were raised primarily through dinners and the collection of fees from abalone fishing on private property.
The department reorganized again in 1971 and Hank Worthington was elected Chief. Flora Buchanan and Walter Matson actively pursued the acquisition of the present-day site of the firehouse and the original structure (now the hall and kitchen) was built.
Dan Firpo served as Chief briefly in the late 1970s until Bob Matson began a 23-year “career” in the post. During Bob’s tenure, more apparatus was built or acquired, the firehouse was enlarged, and the department took over the ambulance service. A 911 emergency dispatch center was installed in Mendocino County. And in 1990, the Elk Community Services District was formed to provide a reliable tax-based source of funding for the EVFD and expansion of services to the Cameron and Greenwood Road areas.
Charlie Acker followed Bob Matson as Chief in the mid 1990’s. Jeff Roy was elected in 2002 and Craig Mitchell in 2017. Current-day Chief is once again Bob Matson.
The department celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006 by erecting a new sign and dedicating the firehouse to two former firefighters who led EVFD’s expansion efforts in the earlier years – Lee “Mac” McKnight and the late Dave Skilton.
Current Department
The department has 20 firefighters, 5 of whom are Emergency Medical Technicians:
- Bob Matson, EMT, Chief
- Bob Askew, EMT, Asst. Chief
- Jay Penrod, EMT, Asst. Chief, Medical Officer
- Brian Weston, EMT, Captain, Training Officer
- Joe Castanera, Captain, Inspection Officer
- Ty Benfield, EMT
- Westin Benfield
- Wylie Benfield
- Eric Bloyd
- Judy Bonney
- Matt Drewno
- David Gates
- Ron Karish
- Curtis Koval
- Jared McKenney
- Clancy Powers
- Mike Schnekenburger
- Harolde Searles
- Luke Weston
- Olie Erickson – AVFD #7466
Annual Summer BBQ
The EVFD holds an annual Summer BBQ in July at the Greenwood Community Center. It includes a no-host bar and famous margaritas, raffle, live music, and activities for kids. Funds raised help maintain fire equipment and department operations.
This year’s BBQ will be held July 26, 2025, noon – 4:00 p.m.
Greenwood Civic Club
The Greenwood Civic Club was founded in 1917 by a group of wives and mothers in the town of Greenwood dedicated to culture, beauty, and community service. Members established a library and focused much of their attention on the welfare of the town’s children. The Club contributed to the women’s social life, as well. They gathered to have coffee and cake, sometimes bringing their “fancy work” and other times working together making quilts or rag rugs. Not to be missed were the wildly popular monthly Whist games.
In the 1960s and 70s, the group went by the name of the “Greenwood Hobbyists” and the interest of the members turned to arts and crafts, as well as the preservation of the area’s history. To this end, the Club published several books on the subject written by local authors.
In the mid 1980s, the group took back its earlier name – the Greenwood Civic Club – and once again focused its activities and fundraising to benefit the community and its youth. The Club created a scholarship program for graduating Elk students, provided ongoing support for the Greenwood Community Center and its various children’s programs, and helped sustain the Elk Volunteer Fire Department and the ambulance service.
In 2007, the Greenwood Civic Club incorporated and became a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization in 2008. The first male members were welcomed in 2011. The Club’s purpose is to promote, publish and preserve the history of the town of Elk, California and to support Elk community organization, activities and residents. It is led by a five-member volunteer Board of Directors, elected by the membership. Members meet bi-monthly, January through November, and enjoy numerous social events throughout the year. Membership is open to anyone interested in pursuing the Club’s purpose and committed to enriching the town of Elk and providing service to its residents. Dues are $40 per year. Please click here for a membership application.
The Civic Club sponsors two annual events: a Soup Supper before the Annual Town Meeting and the Elk Rummage Sale. The Club also sells postcards and note cards of historical photographs, three books on Elk’s history, a cookbook of recipes from past and current residents, cotton afghans depicting Elk landmarks, Greenwood/Elk decals, and Elk-themed gift bags. Items are variously available at the Elk Store & Deli and Matson Mercantile. Items may be also be ordered by mail. For a complete list of items and an order form, please click here. Additional funds are generated from sales at Great Day in Elk and the Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair.
Proceeds from the Club’s fundraising efforts are intended to benefit the Elk Volunteer Fire Department and ambulance service, the Greenwood Community Center and its children’s programs, a scholarship fund for graduating Elk students, and other local organizations and projects, and respond to community welfare needs and emergencies.
Members also volunteer time and goods to the Elk Volunteer Fire Department’s Summer BBQ, the Greenwood Community Center’s Great Day in Elk celebration, and the churches’ St. Patrick’s Party. The Club co-sponsors and moderates ElkWeb; sponsors and maintains the Elk Community List, a disaster supply container, and a Little Free Library; assists at memorial celebrations; donates and decorates the annual Christmas tree located at the Greenwood Community Church; supports community disaster preparedness; and collects food and/or warm clothing for the Food Bank during the holidays.
You can support the Greenwood Civic Club’s efforts to serve the community by sending tax-deductible donations to the Greenwood Civic Club, PO Box 282, Elk, California 95432. The Club encourages residents to “shop local,” at home and on the coast, but recognizes that folks often need to shop online. If you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to Greenwood Civic Club.
2024 Board of Directors
Angela Zucker, President
Ursulign Knowles, Vice President
Candy Skarlatos, Treasurer
Sarah Penrod, Secretary
Elyse Hopps, Director-at-Large
Contact Information
Greenwood Civic Club
PO Box 282
Elk, CA 95432
President, Angela Zucker
(509) 630-3971
Greenwood Community Center
The Greenwood Community Center has a long and honorable history in the community of Elk. Construction of the Center began in 1972, and its development has continued over the years with the support of grants, donations, and thousands of volunteer hours.
The Community Center was completed in 1974, and became tax-exempt, nonprofit organization in 1983. It is proud to offer the residents of Elk a place for cultural, educational, and civic events – events and activities not otherwise available in our rural area on the north coast of California. It promotes opportunities for local residents to utilize their talents and create partnerships to provide an array of diverse experiences that enrich the lives of community members.
The Community Center sponsors a number of annual events: an Easter Egg Hunt, a Halloween Party, Pepper Martin Day softball games, and a Summer Program for Children. Not to be missed is its signature event, Great Day in Elk – an end-of-summer celebration with all the trimmings, including a parade and carnival. It plays host to a number of other community-sponsored events, as well.
Located in a beautiful setting between the Pacific Ocean and the coastal hills in downtown Elk, the Greenwood Community Center is an ideal place to hold special events and celebrations, such as dances, weddings, birthday parties, and memorial services. It is also available to the community for meetings, classes, and workshops. The Center offers a stage with theatrical curtains, professional sound and lighting systems, hardwood floors, a full kitchen with an outside picnic area, and plenty of parking. The Center can accommodate up to 150 people. Learn more about renting this space.
Funds raised through rental of the facilities and special events, like Great Day in Elk, are used to support the Community Center’s programs, ongoing operations, and maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
The Greenwood Community Center activities are guided by a volunteer Board of Directors. Meetings are held monthly at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Center, located at 6129 S Highway 1. The Board of Directors also holds an annual Town Meeting in January to report on the year’s accomplishments. The public is welcome at all meetings.
If you would like to help support the Greenwood Community Center, please send your tax-deductible donations to the Greenwood Community Center, PO Box 183, Elk, California 95432 or click on Donate button through PayPal.
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2021 Board of Directors
Mea Bloyd, President
Elise Ferrarese, Vice President/Calendar
Tobi Ross, Treasurer
Rio Russell, Secretary
Eric Bloyd
Amy Bloyd
Jamie Roberts
Lynn Derrick
Joelle Signorelli
Contact Information
Greenwood Community Center
6129 S Highway 1
PO Box 183
Elk, CA 95432
(707) 877-1105 – not always answered
President, Mea Bloyd
(707) 877-3291
Vice-President and Facility Rental Manager, Elise Ferrarese
(541) 829-1250
Treasurer, Tobi Ross
(707) 489-8579
Greenwood Community Center Rental & Services
Rental rates vary between $50 and $500 depending on the specific events and needs. Additionally, local businesses, services and Elk community members can provide catering, specialty cakes, music and flowers. For more information regarding available services, please contact Jessica Ballard at (707) 357-0384 or Click here to see rates, a fillable rental agreement, and instructions for renters.
Specifications Information
The Greenwood Community Center includes the following space for rent:
- Overall space – 315 square feet
- Length – 21 feet
- Width – 15 feet
- Antique wooden bar – 12 feet in length
The Greenwood Community Center – a view of the John Frankel Foyer and antique wooden bar.Hall
- Overall space – 1,426 square feet
- Length – 46 feet
- Width – 31 feet
- Seating performances – space for 150+ with cushioned chairs available
- Standing performance space – space for approximately 200
- Seating for dinners – space for approximately 100 with cushioned chairs available
- Bathrooms – 3 including 1 serving disabled guests
The Greenwood Community Center – a meeting of the Mendocino County Fire Chiefs
- Overall space – 418 square feet
- Depth – 19 feet
- Wall to wall – 22 feet
- Wing space – 8 feet per side
- Proscenium – 20 feet x 10 feet
- Midnight blue velvet curtains – front, back and wings
- Sound system – 500W per channel stereo, 4 on-stage monitors – 230W per channel stereo with 4 speakers
- Lighting – 12 channels – 1KW per channel dimming system with 2-scene 12 channel dimming control panel
- Tuned upright piano
- Back stage dressing room with bathroom and shower
The Greenwood Community Center – a view of the Del Wilcox Stage
- Overall space – 255 square feet
- Length – 17 feet
- Width – 15 feet
- Equipment – fully equipped with gas stove, refrigerator, sinks, pots, utensils, coffee maker and dishes
The Greenwood Community Center – a view of the kitchen
Outside Picnic Area
- Overall space – 480 square feet
- Length – 80 feet
- Width – 60 feet
- Picnic tables – 21 available picnic tables, seating 6-8 per table for 126 – 168
- Platform stage – 20 feet x 14 feet
- Tennis/basketball court
The Greenwood Community Center – a view of the outside picnic area
Local Schools
Greenwood Preschool
5150 S Highway 1
PO Box 22
Elk, CA 95432
(707) 877-3361
License #233008824
Greenwood Preschool, located at the Greenwood School, provides a play-based learning program forchildren ages 2 – 5 from 8:00 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. Tuition is free to income-eligible families. For more information or to schedule an appointment to visit the school, call Jessica Ballard at (707) 877-3361 or email
Albion School
30400 Albion Ridge Road
Albion, CA 95410
(707) 937-2968
Principal, Kim Humrichouse (707) 937-0564,
For Elk students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3, Albion School is the closest elementary school. Serving students for 19 years, the school is located on the forested Albion Ridge Road, 3 miles east of Highway 1. The school is one of the few “one room school houses” left in California.
Mendocino Unified School District
District Office
44141 Little Lake Road
PO Box 1154
Mendocino, CA 95460
(707) 937-5868
Fax: (707) 937-0714
Jason Morse, Superintendent,
Board of Trustees
Windspirit Aum, President
Michael Schaeffer, Clerk
Jim Gay (Elk)
Jessica Grinberg
Mark Morton
Conservation / Fire Protection
North Greenwood Community Association
NGCA is a public benefit corporation organized exclusively for public and charitable purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A five-member volunteer Board of Directors, elected by the membership, meets quarterly. There is an annual meeting of the general membership in June. Dues are $20 per property owner or $10 for renters.
Funds generated from dues and donations contribute to fire prevention awareness; safety and emergency preparedness activities and equipment; and acquisition and maintenance of Elk Volunteer Fire Department vehicles and equipment.
2018 – 2019 Board of Directors
Nick Bonner, President
Cathy Wallace, Vice President
Loraine Toth, Secretary
Judy Gates Bonney, Treasurer
TBA, Director-at-Large
Contact Information
North Greenwood Community Association
PO Box 11
Elk, CA 95432
President, Nick Bonner
(707) 734-0776